メカラウロコ個展 『エコー エコー エコー…』
2023/4/15(土)~4/23(日) 14:00-20:00
4/19(水) 18:30~20:00 ゲスト:百瀬 文定員:10名
エコー エコー エコー…
〒101-0051 東京都 千代田区 神田神保町 2-20-12 第二冨士ビル 4F
東京メトロ半蔵門線/都営新宿線、三田線 神保町駅 A3出口より徒歩3分
JR 総武線 水道橋駅 東口より徒歩8分
JR 中央線、総武線 御茶ノ水駅 御茶ノ水橋口より徒歩13分
4/19(水) 18:00-20:00は同会場でトークイベントを開催するため作品が落ち着いて鑑賞できない可能性があります。
エコー エコー エコー…
※ 器官の内面または外面をおおう膜から突出した微細な突起のこと。胎盤にある絨毛ではメッセージ物質が送られ、母親と胎児の間で会話をしていると言われている。
トークイベントゲスト:百瀬 文(ももせ・あや)
1988年東京都生まれ、東京都在住。2013年武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科美術専攻油絵コース修了。主な個展に「口を寄せる」(十和田市現代美術館、青森、2022年)「I.C.A.N.S.E.E.Y.O.U」(EFAG East Factory Art Gallery、東京、2020年)など。主なグループ展に「国際芸術祭 あいち2022」(愛知芸術文化センター)、「新・今日の作家展2021 日常の輪郭」(横浜市民ギャラリー、神奈川)、「彼女たちは歌う」(東京藝術大学 美術館陳列館、2020年)、「六本木クロッシング2016展:僕の身体、あなたの声」(森美術館、東京)、「アーティスト・ファイル2015 隣の部屋——日本と韓国の作家たち」(国立新美術館、東京・韓国国立現代美術館、2015-2016年)など。2016年度アジアン・カルチュラル・カウンシルの助成を受けニューヨークに滞在。コレクションに、愛知県美術館、大阪中之島美術館、横浜美術館。
Details of the event.
2022/4/15 (Sat) -4/23 (San)14:00-20:00
Talk event
April 19th (Wednesday) 18:30-20:00
Guest: Momose Aya
Capacity: 10 people.
Exhibition name
echoes echoes echoes…
Daini Fuji Bldg. 4F, 2-20-12 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan
Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line / Toei Shinjuku Line, Mita Line Jimbocho Station, 3 min. walk from A3 Exit
8 minutes walk from East Exit of Suidobashi Station on JR Sobu Line
13 min. walk from Ochanomizu Station (JR Chuo and Sobu Lines) from Ochanomizubashi Exit.
Admission Fee
500 yen
Exhibition Outline
echoes echoes echoes…
Recently, I have been feeling that "I may have power over younger people or sexual minorities", and that "I may have even more power if I gain a position or status through my work or writing activities." Power that had previously melt into my everyday life like water has become visible due to reports of harassment by victims concerned, the establishment of laws and corporate rules, and other factors. As a result, I have become aware of living while conscious of the fact that I have power.
By the way, while preparing for this solo exhibition, I was also trying to conceive a child, and in the process, I confronted the conflict between a child's "right not to be born" and a parent's desire for the child to be born.
According to Ryunosuke Akutagawa's novel "Kappa," in the country of Kappa, it is said that if a fetus in the womb is taught about Kappa's way of life and asked whether they want to be born, and they answer that they do not want to be born, then abortion is legally carried out. "Do you want to be born now?" I ask my child in my womb. Sometimes I ask through the ovaries, Sometimes, I ask through the villi※ towards the uterus, but I wonder if my voice has reached the child.
After much deliberation, I decided to set out on a journey to search for the kappa. If I meet them, I want to ask why the kappa fetuses choose to be born or not and hear from the parent kappa of a fetus who chose not to be born about their state of mind.
※ Microscopic protrusions that extend from the membrane that covers the interior or exterior of an organ. In the villi of the placenta, it is said that messenger substances are sent, and communication takes place between the mother and the fetus.
Talk event guest: Momose Aya
Born in Tokyo in 1988 and currently residing in Tokyo. Graduated from the Oil Painting Course in the Department of Fine Arts at Musashino Art University Graduate School in 2013. Major solo exhibitions include "Moving Close to the Mouth" (Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, 2022) and "I.C.A.N.S.E.E.Y.O.U" (EFAG East Factory Art Gallery, Tokyo, 2020). Major group exhibitions include "Aichi Triennale 2022" (Aichi Arts Center), "New Today's Artists 2021: Outlines of Everyday Life" (Yokohama Civic Gallery, Kanagawa), "They Sing" (Tokyo University of the Arts Art Museum, 2020), "Roppongi Crossing 2016: My Body, Your Voice" (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo), and "Artist File 2015 Next Doors: Artists from Japan and Korea" (National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo and National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, 2015-2016). Received a grant from the Asian Cultural Council in 2016 and stayed in New York. Collections include the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Osaka City Museum of Modern Art, and Yokohama Museum of Art.
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助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京[スタートアップ助成]