ゲンロン新芸術校 第6期金賞受賞者展 『鮭らは海から川へ —フェミニズムの波を漂う—』
2022/4/16(土)~4/24(日) 13:00-19:00
ゲンロン新芸術校 第6期金賞受賞者展
鮭らは海から川へ —フェミニズムの波を漂う—
大崎THTギャラリー 〒141-0033 東京都品川区西品川3丁目13−7
鮭らは海から川へ —フェミニズムの波を漂う—
Details of the event.
2022/4/16 (Sat) -4/24 (San)13:00-19:00
Exhibition name
Salmon go from the sea to the river
— A wave of feminism —
Genron New Art School 6th, Gold Award Exhibition
Osaki THT Gallery, 3-13-7 Nishi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Admission Fee
I am now in the period of "childbirth age". If I’m salmon, it's time to return from the sea to the river to spawn. Now I'm in two minds to be back in the river or not.
The salmon heading from the sea to the river is due to their genetic characteristics, so at a glance, they seem to be heading to the river without hesitation.
However, it is said that salmon's ancestors originally lived in the river. If salmon have their own personality, some of them may be wondering if they will return to the river the same as me.
According to Julia Kristeva's essay "le temps des femmes", a woman is in both situations "a continuous linear time like history" and "a repeating cyclical time".
That is, Advocating the gender equality and goes out to society like men and carring out production activities like the first generation of feminists, and emphasizing the difference between men and women. The first is conduct the cyclical reproduction that breed. The second is raise advocated by the second generation, these both things are coexisting in modern women .
We are lost in the waves of these two timelines.
By the way, what happened to the salmon fry that I raised when I was in elementary school? Have they returned to the river in Tokyo?
This exhibition will exhibit installation works centered on 3DCG images with the theme of "salmon" drifting in the waves of two timelines.
With the theme of "salmon" drifting in the waves of two timelines, this exhibition will show installation works centered on 3DCG images.
And the whole building becomes a space where you can experience drifting both in the cyclical will to return to the river and give birth and the linear will to continue swimming in the sea.
Because there are waves, is it in the sea? Or is it in the river? Or is it in a narrow well?
Works | 作品
Media | 関連メディア
Thanks | 協力

《いくらでもつきない | Never run out of problems》2022, photo by Takumi Suidu.